How Do I Block Unwanted Calls on My VTech Phone?

Holding up two phones at a time looking annoyedHolding up two phones at a time looking annoyed

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VTech phones are a popular option for home and office calls, so you don’t have to give away your personal cell phone number. However, you may need to block calls occasionally.

To block unwanted calls on your VTech phone, you need to go into your device settings and manually enter the phone number you want to block if it’s not in your contacts.

Please continue reading to learn everything you need to know about blocking unwanted calls on your VTech phone. In addition, we’ll discuss caller ID, your block list, and unblocking phone numbers.

Benefits of Vtech’s Caller ID Service

When you have a VTech phone for your office, you can see who’s attempting to call you before you answer the phone.

This technology can help you avoid spam calls when you spend time at work.

However, if you want to use caller ID on your VTech phone, you must set up the service.

The following are the benefits of using Vtech’s caller ID service.

  • You can block unwanted calls
  • You can block phone numbers that refuse to give identity
  • You can see who’s attempting to call you while you’re on the phone with someone else

This service is fantastic for helping you avoid spam callers or unwanted calls while you’re in the office.

You can also block phone calls if they become bothersome when you have VTech caller ID service.

VTech phones are commonly used in work environments, so it would be best to enable this caller ID service so that you face fewer interruptions.

Block a Number On Your Vtech Phone

You might have difficulty navigating the blocking system if you use your cell phone and not a landline.

Fortunately, blocking phone numbers on your VTech phone isn’t as difficult as it seems.

Follow these steps to block any phone numbers that bother you:

  1. Subscribe to Vtech caller ID service
  2. If you’re in the middle of a call, end it. You cannot block phone numbers while talking to someone on your VTech phone.
  3. Select the menu button and press the up or down volume arrow.
  4. Select “call block” and navigate to your block list.
  5. Select the volume down button to add a new entry.
  6. Enter the phone number of the person you want to block, including the area and country code.
  7. Enter the name of the blocked phone number.
  8. Press “select.”

After you block a phone number on your VTech phone, you will no longer hear the phone ring when they call.

This method is a great way to get rid of attention from spam callers or unwanted people.

How to Unblock Numbers on Your Vtech Phone

Sometimes you block a phone number and then change your mind about whether or not you want to hear from that party. This can happen if you discover that phone calls from this party are urgent.\

Fortunately, you don’t have to leave a phone number on your blocked list forever. Unblocking a phone number on your VTech phone is an easy process when you follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the block list on it your VTech phone.
  2. Press the volume up or down key to review your block list.
  3. Scroll through the list of names and numbers.
  4. Select the phone number you want to unblock.
  5. Press “delete.”

After you delete the phone number from your block list, that party can call you again. However, if you decide they’re better off blocked, you can re-block their phone number anytime.

People’s opinions change about situations often, so it’s nice that you can block and unblock phone numbers on your VTech phone whenever necessary.

Can Someone Contact Your VTech Phone Using *67?

People dial star 67 when they want to get a hold of someone without that person knowing who they are.

This scenario is common when people are making up prank phone calls to businesses.

You can set your VTech phone up so people using star 67 cannot contact you.

This is fantastic news if you have specific people you don’t want to hear from and you’re concerned about them calling.

You can block unwanted phone calls from unknown numbers by activating “calls without numbers” after subscribing to the VTech caller ID service and using your phone settings.

To block phone numbers that don’t use caller ID, you can follow the same steps you used to block phone numbers We discussed earlier in the article.

Final Thoughts

If you notice an uptick in unwanted calls on your VTech phone, you don’t have to deal with this situation.

After you enable caller ID services from Vtech, you can take control of your phone service.

Blocking calls on your VTech phone is a great way to ensure no one interrupts your work environment unless it’s important.

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