What Are The Universal Remote Codes For A Westinghouse TV?

Universal remotes codes for Westinghouse TVUniversal remotes codes for Westinghouse TV

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There are 104 different universal remote codes for a Westinghouse TV. Each code is dependent on the remote manufacturer you are trying to pair your Westinghouse TV with.

AT&T Remote Models

AT&T has its brand of universal remotes that go with its television provider services. These remotes use 000, 109, 119, 112 for Westinghouse TVs. These are three-digit codes and should be entered as such.


Cablevision is another manufacturer that produces universal remotes. They have a total of eight code options as below.



Charter television services is a well-known service provider in the south of the United States. They manufacture the Scientific Atlanta Remotes. Their codes are 0000, 0080, and 0014.


Comcast, also known as Xfinity, is a television service provider that manufactures nine different types of remotes. Each type has its special codes for the Westinghouse TV, found in the table below.

 The DVR 3- Device, OnDemand 3, 3 In 1, Service Comcast Device 3, and OnDemand Custom remotes all have two code options, which are 0000, and 0111.

The ENT 6412 and Millinium 4 remotes also have two codes. The ENT 6412 can pair with either four-digit code 0000 or 0189. The Millinium 4 can pair using either 0000 or 0080.

 The ATT-2000 has four remote code options, which can make it cumbersome to check through, but luckily they are only three-digit codes. These codes are 000, 109, 119, and 122.

Lastly, the Scientific Atlanta brand remote that Comcast uses has three digits long codes. The codes you can use to pair this brand of remote are 001, 004, 033, 042, 078.


Contec manufactures the Checkmate series of remotes. Each version also has its remote codes, as seen below.

Remote ModelRemote Code
Checkmate III-RT-U43C032, 038, 050, 066
Checkmate III-RT-U46C032, 038, 050, 066
Checkmate IV RT-U49E070, 085, 126, 139
Checkmate IV RT-U49C032, 038, 050, 066


Cox is another popular cable provider. They manufacture seven different types of remotes. Their ATLAS DVR/PVR 4 Device and Cox universal remote (DVR) share the same codes, which are 0000 1100.

The Millinium has a code of 0, and the Scientific Atlanta ER 1 has a code of 14, making them outliers due to the size of their codes. Most codes have a minimum of three digits.

The Navigator remote uses 000, 011, 080, 111 when pairing with a Westinghouse TV.  While the Scientific Atlanta AT8400 AIITouch uses codes 1002, 1157, 1164, 1174, 1176, and 1177.

Dennon Home Theater

Dennon is a well-known sound and speaker system brand. They make receivers, speakers and other audio technology for TVs. they manufacture two types of remotes.

Remote ModelRemote Codes
RC-8840027, 0080, 0107, 0120, 0172, 0177, 0183, 0188, 0197, 0277, 0403, 0451
RC- 9770197, 0277, 0403, 0451


DISH is a satellite TV provider. They manufacture six different brands of remotes with similar codes for the Westinghouse TV.

Remote ModelRemote Codes
Platinum Remote500, 578, 609, 619, 622, 690
Platinum Plus500, 578, 609, 619, 622, 690
Blue Button Remote622, 685, 686, 687, 688, 690
DISH 322500, 578, 640, 670, 690
DISH 811, DISH Player-DVR-522 and DISH Player-DVR 921500, 578, 640, 670, 690
EZ Remote500, 578, 629, 619, 622, 690


DirectTV is another satellite television provider that was recently acquired by AT&T. They manufacture three different remote types. The Blue Remote Control has the codes 0000, 0032, 0035, 1032. The Universal Remote Control has the codes 11100, 10000, 10834. The D10-200 has the code 1000 10834.


Emerson manufactures brand-specific remotes. Their respective codes are 30, 43, 50, 53, 70. These remotes are not as common but can be paired with the Westinghouse TV.

GE (DirectTV)

GE is another outlet in the universal remote field. They have the GRD-33G2A remote with code 2 and the GRD-33G3A with code 2. These are also rare remotes that you are likely not to come across.


Hughes is a streaming service that manufactures the HNS-SD-HBH remote. The codes for this remote are 001, 079, and 126.

Here’s how to pair a GE Universal Remote with any TV:

Here is how you connect a Philips remote:

How Do I Know Which Brand Remote I Have?

If you are unsure which remote brand you have, you can usually find it on the backside of the remote. It is usually near the battery compartment or within the battery compartment under the batteries themselves. If this fails, you can Google search images and research your remote that way. Pair up the picture, find the brand, and reference the chart.

What if I Just Want To Try All The Codes?

If you are too busy to look up the brand for your remote, you can always just try codes until one of them works. Typically, a Westinghouse TV will manually sort through popular codes. If this doesn’t work, it will give you an option to enter them manually. 

Here is a list of all known universal remote codes for the Westinghouse TV.

3 Digit Codes

These are all of the known three-digit codes for the Westinghouse TV.


4 Digit Codes

The codes below represent all possible four-digit codes for the Westinghouse TV.


5 Digit Codes

The following codes are all known five-digit codes that can be used when pairing a universal remote with a Westinghouse TV.


All In One Westinghouse TV Remote Codes

These are the codes for the All in One Westinghouse TV.


Unique Sequence

Sometimes a remote is just not compatible with the Westinghouse TV. If this is the case and you do not have luck with any of the codes listed above, you may need to run out and buy a different option. Seek advice from your local electronics store or call the Westinghouse TV customer service line to get more information on the best remotes that are compatible with your TV.

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